The Negative Impact of Multinationals Departing Nigeria


In recent years, Nigeria has experienced a distressing trend of the exodus of several multinational corporations. This is evident with the departure of key players such as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK and Procter & Gamble (P&G), globally recognized companies that once had strong roots in Nigeria. Numerous factors have facilitated such relocations, with the unstable foreign exchange (Fx) rate and poor economic policies propelled by the All Progressive Congress in their eight-year rule being primary contributors.


Effects of Poor Economic Climate on Multinational Companies

The Nigerian economy has predominantly been a monolithic one – heavily reliant on oil exports. Coupled with this, the economic policies orchestrated by the All Progressive Congress party over the past eight years have arguably tipped the scale towards a severe economic downturn. Unpredictable Fx rates, irregular trade policies and excessive interventions by the government have resulted in a turbulent business climate, acting as a deterrent for foreign investments and putting pressure on existing businesses.


Departure of GSK and P&G

Companies like GSK and P&G have been hard hit by this fluctuating economic climate. Despite substantial investments in the Nigerian market, they have faced significant hurdles in reaping satisfactory returns due to unfavorable operational conditions.

GSK, a household name in the pharmaceutical industry, decided to shut down their manufacturing plants largely because of the unsteady Fx rate that hindered the import of essential raw materials needed for their production. 

Similarly, P&G shuttered its vast $300 million production plant within just two years of operation. The company also cited an inability to sustain profitability amidst an unstable economy and challenging business landscape.


Impacts on the Nigerian Economy

These departures incur drastic consequences for Nigeria’s economy. The immediate blow is felt in terms of significantly reduced foreign direct investment. Additionally, it sends a message to other potential investors about the unfriendly business environment in the country.

Following these departures, many people who were directly employed by these companies face unemployment, thereby affecting their economic stability and decreasing consumer spending. 

Not only that, but this also disrupts the local supply chains and vendors who were dependent on these corporations’ operations, causing a ripple effect on the country’s overall economic productivity.


The Need for A Policy Overhaul

The situation necessitates an urgent policy review by the incumbents, the All Progressive Congress. The need to stabilize Fx rates, introduce consistent trade policies, and create a pro-business environment are immediate steps that need to be taken. This is to reassure local and foreign investors that Nigeria is indeed open and conducive for business.



The departure of multinational corporations from Nigeria presents a damning perspective on the country’s business landscape. As unstable economic policies continue to foster an unfriendly business environment, it remains essential for the government to tackle these issues head-on. Only through introducing robust and investor-friendly economic policies can Nigeria hope to attract and retain multinational corporations, playing a crucial role in the nation business environment. 

The implications of multinationals’ departures cannot be understated and demand immediate and long-term actions. The government should work towards drafting robust economic and financial reforms that shift focus from stabilization to restructuring and growth.

By developing a stable economic policy framework, nurturing an enabling business environment, and managing its external revenue efficiently, Nigeria can make strides in winning back the confidence of multinational companies and investors alike.

It is high time that Nigeria capitalized on its potential to become a top destination for international businesses looking for growth opportunities. Clear, consistent, and progressive policies are critical in achieving this goal and repositioning Nigeria as a lucrative market for foreign direct investment

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